One card loop storage machine usage instructions
来源:  作者:  编辑:Logistics department  日期:2022-08-24  Click rate:6106  [I want to print]  [关闭]


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One card loop storage machine usage instructions


Campus card loop storage machineRealize self-service loss reporting,Pay your electricity bill, change your passwordequifunctionRespectively in...Apartment 1 Wen JingxuanApartment 11 Skojuan is equipped with 3 unitsThe retention machine is used for campus card retention。

1. Change the password

   The initial password of the campus card is campus unity111111(6个1)。Be sure to change your password when using your campus card for the first time。

   After re-applying for the campus card, the campus card password will be initialized to the initial password, and be sure to change the password in time。

   Forgot your campus card password, pleaseGo to service center(Second floor of canteenRequest a password resetBring your personal identification

2. Report the loss of cards

   If the campus card is lost, please report the loss to any storage machine in time。You can report the loss after entering your personal campus card password。After reporting the lossPay the cost at the service center on the second floor of the canteenApply for a new card)。

   Card unhang: Just save any circle on the machine** Campus Card After entering the correct campus card password, you can cancel the loss report。

3. Pay the electricity bill

   To pay dormitory electricity fee, you can go to the deposit machine to pay the fee, enter the personal campus card password to log in, and confirm the dormitory number of the corresponding building。

4. Card information

   The function can beSearch in the loop machineInformation, campus card consumption is available at the campus unified portal( in。

Campus card consumption limit daily cumulative consumption45当在When POS machine consumption appears"------"Prompt, indicating that this consumption exceeds the limit, enter the campus card password before you can continue to consume this.

5、Service repair telephone: In case of ring machine failure, please call the service telephone18886035625(服务中心)。Campus card for related business, please consultstaff18886035625

6、The college is committed to providing teachers and students with multi-channel and convenient campus card deposit and recharge services, which will be introduced one after anotherOnline payment。

Guiyang Information Science and Technology College logistics Department

guiyangxin now“6。。。。。"Prompt, indicating that this consumption exceeds the limit, enter the campus card password before you can continue to consume this.。


If the campus card is lost, please report the loss to any storage machine in time。Enter the personal code that is the campus unified account(student number) and campus card password can be reported lost。Three days after reporting the loss, please apply for a new card at the payment Office of the Accounting Department (first floor of the Fourth Teaching Building)。


编辑:Logistics department
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